Wonder Woman Viki. Terrific, but Vicki actually makes public appearances in full costume spreading her warm positive attitude and influence to help others. Never allowing herself to be sidetracked by anything that might come her way, Ai Sha uses whatever means necessary to get the job done.

Setting her eyes on the goals ahead, she is known for her fierce tenacity and unwavering determination.
The Amazon society, which is mentioned in Greek mythology, is exclusively female and also very warlike and proud but also brave.
An ace in the world of marketing, Du Ai Sha has spent her entire career fighting her way to the top. On the mystical island of Themyscira, a proud and fierce warrior race of Amazons have raised a daughter of untold beauty, grace and strength: Princess Diana. Ares was the Old God of War, and the most fearsome son of Zeus, who was worshiped by the Ancient Greeks and Romans (though the latter civilization would give him the name Mars).